Move the Camera to follow any path, at variable speeds, and a moving object in Blender.

Y’s Degeist#11

Ying-Shiuan Chen
5 min readOct 20, 2022

Here I will show you three common ways to set up your camera in Blender.

The camera follows any path, at variable speed, and a moving object in Blender
  1. Move Your Camera Following Any Path Correctly
  2. Move Your Camera In Variable Speeds
  3. Move Your Camera Following a Moving Object

1. Move your camera following any path correctly

I make a cube tower, let’s set up the camera.

1. Add a curve, I chose to add a circle and scale it.

2. Add a camera or setup the transform of the camera to X: Y: Z = 0: 0: 0

3. Select the camera and go to Object Constraint Properties -> Add Object Constraint->Follow the path

4. Target -> select the curve-> Check “Follow Curve” and click “animate path”

5. Add Object Constraint->track to

6. Target the cube

Here is the result

2. Move Your Camera In Variable Speeds

Follow the previous result, just need to do a few steps. We can set the camera at variable speeds.

  1. In the animation mode, Select the Camera->Object Constraint Properties-> Follow Path -> uncheck the Follow Curve -> check Fixed Position

2. Move your timeline to 0 and go to the Offset Factor -> Insert the keyframe by clicking the circle behind the Offset Factor

3. Move to 40 -> set Offset Factor 0.4 -> insert a keyframe

4.Move to 80 -> set Offset Factor 0.5 -> insert a keyframe

5.Move to 90 -> set Offset Factor 1 -> insert a keyframe

We set up the camera at variable speeds

So you also can add a bezier curve as the path

3. Move Your Camera Following a Moving Object

  1. I set up my scene, two cubes, and a path.

2. Add a Sphere as my moving object

3. Select the Sphere ->Object Constraint Properties-> add Follow Path-> select the path as Target

4. Add a camera->Object Constraint Properties-> add Follow Path-> select the same path as Target

5. Add Track to for your camera and target on the sphere

6. Now the sphere and camera are overlapped. Through setting up Fixed Positions to keep a short distance from each other.

Select your Sphere -> checked Fixed Position -> Offset factor =0.2

And add a keyframe on 0 by clicking the circle behind Offset Factor

7.Move to 90 -> Set the Offset Factor =1.0 -> add Keyframe

8. Now is the Camera->Go to 0 -> Set Offset Factor =0 -> Add keyframe

9. Go to 90 -> Set Offset Factor =0.8

All Done

Your camera and Object follow the same path and keep a distance between each other.



Hope you enjoy the Tutorial. If you have any questions, please leave a message below.



Ying-Shiuan Chen

Interaction Designer | Digital and Physical Prototyping | XR Developer